"When you lose a person you love so much, surviving the loss is difficult."
- Christiano Ronaldo
"With my sib's death, Pop's PTSD, etc.
I only paint what God has told and shown me.
I spend much more time in prayer than I do in painting. I get up and do what was shown,
then, I return to prayer for the next step.
Most are completed in 60 to 300 seconds.
Witness my Series of 17 9" x 12's" rendered
in 42-43 minutes in 7 days. Afterward,
I did not paint for ~five years. I wrote.
I had no formal training in visual art.
Very few scholars understand me.
You love my work, or you don't.
Now, the Jackson Hole-style.
★★ I am passionate about what I paint
and the marvelous gift I've been given.
Dubbed The Artist CARROLL by Dallas Opera
is an ISFP, resourceful, and gifted painter,
The autodidact artist began his charitable portfolio at 3½ y/o - Medical colleagues of his parents perished when their private plane crashed and left their two children orphaned.
CARROLL collected money to help them ---
"I didn't know their names or what became
of them. I was somebody who helped."
"I was more comfortable painting behind the scenes while healing and licking my wounds,
so, you've probably never heard of me.
My sister's sudden death almost sank me.
My Navy MD dad's PTSD made my sails luff.
He was a celebrated owlish professor at Temple medical school.
My pediatrician mom was his steadying XO.
She taught at U. Penn medical school.
My youth almost capsized in a litter-strewn
mess with no guardian hovering in sight.
∴, only elite sport competition, research, and ladies were my sole gratifying oases.
Moi put all of my big dreams on hold and
nailed my colors to the splintered mast.
My electricity and water were shut off,
I slept on other's sofas, in my car, in a
homeless shelter, and an RV. I got quite
a grassroots intro to mundane reality.
Joyful tears are the colors on my palette.
You could call it Art from the Heart!"
◆◆ Profound personal meaning
◆◆ Historical significance
◆◆ Nonpareil mastery
◆◆ Scarcity/Rareness
◆◆ Prestige
A private collection has 40+ original paintings.
Another friend has 22+ signed Artist Proofs,
a large set of 4x5 transparencies, and several originals (Shown on this web site).
Another, First United Methodist-McKinney is of an Army veteran and his granddaughter. He is a former Veterans Administration Deputy Administrator and National Cemetery boss appointed by two U.S. Presidents and both approved by Congress - He was a West Point graduate; Special Forces Intelligence Officer who founded Combat Faith Ministry.
#️⃣ CARROLL was coloring Christmas cards with a magnificent set of Crayola crayons as a 4½ y/o, after his older sister died tragically at age six and he couldn't find words to express grief, mourn, or allay survivor guilt.
"Helen died from encephalitis when her brain turned into mush immediately after my doctor mom gave her a common medication. She was put on life support for two weeks. Helen was
my leader, #1 support, my BFF, my big sis, ... I struggled in self-destructive agony for several decades. I'd never felt such gut-wrenching pain.
And, I didn't know why. Nothing seemed to help.
I quit school, sports, public speaking, etc. as soon as I began to excel. At age 43 painting began as PAINting for me. I survived in a pain level of 7 and didn't smile or cry for many years. Pain was only temporary (Suffering is off the charts and w/o end in sight.) I was reclusive, fearful, angry, and tired of running from the Truth. I knew better but, continued to blame myself. It was a BIG life-altering deal. I dissociated at the drop of a pin,
a psychologist professed,
'You are a miracle.'
I grinned. I'd quit school, sports, public speaking, etc. I hated myself. I survived in a pain level of 7 and didn't smile or cry for many years. I was reclusive, fearful, angry, and grew weary of running from the Truth. My life took a mega-lot of 'tweaking.' It became organized and had singular meaning by the grace of God!!!"
1️⃣ CARROLL was an Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP - The oldest in the Western Hemisphere) Junior Curator at 5½ y/o, where he later served as a freshwater environmental scientist and Principal Investigator in Limnology & Ecology.
He had "clearance" at Savannah Nuclear Power research site (350 sq miles of closed airspace), and Georgia Power's Nuclear Plant Hatch. His boss co-authored the Environmental Protection Agency's first regs with Ruth Patrick, PhD and the president of the United States of America.
ANSP was the first job of debutantes of East Coast Old Money and prestigious schools.
Carroll grew up in a very small resort village
10 miles west of Valley Forge, N.P.,
where General George Washington had his Colonial Army hospital in Chester Springs, PA.
One of CARROLL'S ancestors enlisted with Washington. CARROLL was raised in Mayflower (1620, Plymouth, Mass.) and Old Money circles.
More was desired.
2️⃣ "I grew up in elite-level competitive sports, esp. running and track bike racing.
I grew up around world class gold medal champion horsemen. My doctor dad was
an avid tennis buff. Dad was a front page running back and 440 guy on a scoria track.
People came from around the world to be treated by him, study under him, or work for him. This was normal. It never occurred to me people lived differently. Money and prestige were not our consideration. 24/7, we worked passionately around the clock. Ninety-hour weeks, minimum, plus our farm and sports.
I admire confident warriors not wimps."
Naturally, CARROLL was born an artist,
despite his doctor parents wanting a scientist.
"I tried but, cognitive dissonance prevailed."
He dropped out of a southern D1 Master's (Aquatic Entomology), a northern D1 PhD (Ecology), and two Texas MBA programs --- Where he had the top grades in his Calculus, Accounting and Marketing; He is certified and proven in Communication, Leadership, Sales and Marketing. 'I'm an adventurous 110%er.'
He was a speedy banked track bike racer (1975: As a Cat 3 cyclist qualified as PA State Alternate to US Nationals (RHR 28, VO2 Max 75), then, distance runner, 1981-83, with a 4:08, 8:56, 31:57, and 1:17:15 on 70 sub-six miles each and every week for more than 20 years. His attention was galvanized by endorphins. I'm not afraid to fail to reach my goals and work harder than most. I played Little League Baseball --- Right fielder (RF) then, Pitcher; Tennis, wrestling, Kung Fu, ... IM softball. I patiently prepare to the nth degree and refuse to backoff the tiniest iota.
I'm a SPRINTER thru and thru and I paint VERY FAST. Sports gave me an edge.
3️⃣ CARROLL is a mysteriously intuitive, strategic, chivalrous, marketing man, a
dutiful miracle magnet & rainmaker.
He was head, chef, and bottle washer of a boutique marketing firm for 10 years.
His work connected spiritually, mentally --- consciously --- A referral from America's top boardroom consultant said, "[She] sent me. That can only mean one thing. You must be [super, super] good. Other client examples: A civilian two-star in charge of 30,000 civilian scientists at Andrews AFB, a sales and marketing VP for an oil and gas giant, ... "I was surprised by a note from President George H. W. Bush applauding my community service."
(CARROLL thought it was a joke and tossed it.)
At 4AM one morning, I stood alone in my marketing office and spoke into the empty room, 'Please reveal my gifts to me and help me use them.' I didn't know anyone was listening. Six months later I was painting on the far side of 'The Pond' in Spain. Remember when Caesar invaded England? I sold my marketing business overnight when I returned stateside."
武 士 (The Shogun way)
4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ Watercolor is like being fluent in a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7位 language ---
It teaches you to think out-of-the-box and probably wards off dementia while improving your brain's cognitive function as does multilingualism. Few master art on paper.
"I hid in historic 'Unique by Nature,' McKinney, TX and avoided its thriving arts community, where I made 12 of watercolors --- 16 others were on display at Christ Fellowship for 2 yrs.
(Four were portraits of McKinney residents modeling for Book of Luke sermons. The megachurch's senior pastor had The Dallas Morning News come interview me. Twelve were featured in a 400,000-member Chicago nonprofit's custom 'loyalty' calendar with 75,000 selectively mailed gratis worldwide.)
A painting was at Plano City Hall, put there by the Fire Chief, Bill Peterson after 9/11."
Ayahuasca. Watercolor is therapeutic,
legal worldwide, fosters insight, understanding, and facilitates mental dexterity.
CARROLL is a creative storyteller, and Watercolors are his finest wordsmithing --- always from personal firsthand experience, playful, symbolic, poetical, and athletic.
He is a risk-all taking entrepreneur.
Several paintings got hundreds of thousands
of views with one exceeding 10 million,
twelve were featured in a 12-month calendar, others as regional magazine cover art.
He gave 500+ art keynotes, e.g., AAUW at SMU, University of Chicago-Dallas Chapter alumni, Brinker International, Trammel Crow corporate attorneys and accountants, ... in 9 months.
"I was surprised by the kind letter from His Majesty Juan Carlos I The King of Spain -
I kept it!"
"My favorite color is Ferrari RED symbolizing speed, passion, and well, game-changing, Masterful technique. Dopotutto (After all),
I am a male alpha. #1 is dominant red."
2nd is forest green symbolizing rejuvenation, prosperity, growth, forest bathing, very high moral standards, and strength in adversity.
3rd is "Valorous" blue in a variety of shades,
symbolizing authority, power, sophistication, classiness (Status), stability, trustworthiness,
longevity, and Debrett'sian eminence.
I use a lot of Winsor & Newton's
dioxazine purple, violet 23,
because I like it.
Every composition starts on a decluttered page, symbolizing a new adventure,
another lesson, growth, ROI.
Pictures Helped Me to Understand Myself
The Wizard of Oz (1939),
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1961),
Chariots of Fire (1981),
The Man from Snowy River (1982),
Top Gun (1986),
Crocodile Dundee (1986),
Dances with Wolves (1990),
Immortal Beloved (1994),
Prefontaine (1997),
Incognito (1997),
For the Love of the Game (1999),
Finding Forrester (2000),
The Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003),
Miracle (2004),
Facing the Giants (2006),
Forever Strong (2008),
Longmire (2012-2017),
Yellowstone (2018-2024),
Heart of Champions (2021),
Mark Cavendish: Never Enough (2023),
Films about sprinting, time trialing, speed, and freshwater fly fishing.
CARROLL handwrites Thank You notes on exquisitely watermarked, handmade 15th Century Italian stationery with his Meisterstück fountain pen plus, 1936 CAPT John Paul Jones postage stamps.
"I was disinherited by my natural family.
They caused me to discover the joy
of learning, positivity, and aesthetics in
today's thirsty, needy, world of chaos.
Mom didn't want anyone to know about my hellish life. She kept secrets. I kept quiet.
Yet, I couldn't've gotten here w/o them
and the suffering I endured."
Pure water makes watercolor unpredictable
as the Wind and as graciously forgiving.
"I'm an out-of-the-box thinker-doer who a lot of top people stuck their necks out for.
"One of my art mentors did the largest player contract the NFL had ever seen. He handled a lot of household name superstars.
One of my paintings is with 2 Picassos and Chagall on a ranch in Texas. Oil and gas has been good to me."
"It was a Brazilian heiress, granddaughter of the co-founder of Clube de Regatas do Flamengo who arranged my study with Alcaraz - Many gifted people helped me along the way. I couldn't see what they saw in me."
Secretaries and ADCs got it done -
Just a word, just one phone call!
"Thank You!" "شكرًا لك!" "Merci!" "Danke schön!" “謝謝你!” "Cảm ơn!"
"감사합니다!" "¡Gracias!" "Obrigado!"
A Major General, USMA, and MIT graduate mentored me and wanted me to be on Good Morning Texas chatting with his bride so everyone would know about me and my artwork. Another introduced me to the President of the United States.
A Texas multibillionaire called me and coached me. The president of a global brick and mortar retailer coached me and had the corporate sales and marketing VP meet me with an offer. I love being 'just an artist!' I'm no threat to anyone.
Best of all, I'm unregulated. I zoom zoom like a hummingbird!"
"Four-star Tommy Franks, USA (Ret.) penned the foreword
to my first book, Ode to Joy. inspired by Beethoven's Ninth.
Four-star General Franks sat on the Board of Trustees of
the National Park Foundation with David Rockefeller.
GEN Franks commanded a 25-country region (AOR).
GEN Franks was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
by the President of the United States of America
GEN Franks was knighted by Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II,
head and monarch of the United Kingdom and
15 other Commonwealth realms, e.g., Australia and New Zealand.
We were introduced by a CGMA-winning country Hall of Fame
Nashville guitarist-singer-songwriter-producer."
Carroll's First Edition, Ode to Joy, shared the shelf beside autobiographies by President George W. Bush, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Four-star General Tommy Franks, and General Colin Powell in General Franks' Leadership Institute Museum and Gift Shop where Carroll's painting, "He First Served as a Private" - The Four-star general explained, "I just want to help."
Ms. Kathy Dugas, 7th-Grade Art, General Wayne JHS, GVSD.
"A gifted JHS teacher, she taught me perspective, to draw hands,
fingers, and to decorate interiors with pleasing sophistication.
She showed me Albrecht Dürer's Young Hare, Praying Hands, and Large Piece of Turf. She set the bar very high --- Outstanding! She pushed me to do better.
Women always look at my fingers and wonder. I have good hands.
That's how I peel back their petals so sensitively and penetrate her so very deeply! My fingers caress details few ever stimulate.
The brilliant prodigy Alcaraz taught me to see and render the beauty I saw
in landscapes, botanicals, and more. Every iconic artist first learned the time-honored tradition of drawing, later, explored and inadvertently set fashionable household trends known to all. It's a jump few will ever make, yet all are inspired.
BUT, 99.999% of people tremble seeing their own common shadow.
I cleaned my brush in a stem of red wine, swatted with my toothbrush,
raked my Holy Land calendar series with gritty sandpaper, ...
I do it my way, leading and following as I go.
"I want to help people honor and remember those gallant,
intrepid patriots. Theirs are incredible stories of selfless valor
that benefited us and we save for all future generations."
🎖️ Carroll supped with 40 Medal of Honors at Westmoreland's 50th wedding anniversary. An oil company president got Carroll there aided by Sir Edward Artis, Knight Commander of the Knights of Malta, who invited Carroll to join Sir Ed's inner circle of former presidents of U.S.A., Europe, and South America --- Kitsy's son, a big shot NYC lawyer, shot a picture of his mom with Carroll on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. To continue, at General Westmoreland's black-tie Carroll was seated with SPC4 John Baca, Medal of Honor.
Listen to this 1st Cavalry Division interview:
MOH Baca | 1st Cavalry Division Association (1cda.org)
Col Roger Donlon, GEN Westmoreland's ADC, the first Medal of Honor
in the Vietnam War, sent Carroll the Four-star general's invitation.
En homenaje a Sr. Alcaraz (An orphan): 30 originals to The Adoption Exchange-NM. The artist Carroll's interview by CBS Evening News ran two weeks with the highest response in the Adoption's history. United Artist Theaters ran the images on the big screen before all movies in CO and NM for 30 days.
"I just wanted to say, 'Thank you!' "
"Captain Chris Cassidy USN Ret., former chief astronaut of NASA's space shuttle, Navy SEAL, and the current President and CEO of the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation in Arlington, TX, accepted one of my prized paintings in a gold-leafed, hand-carved frame (As Alcaraz' made frames for European kings, queens, and to hold masterpieces in the greatest art museums, e.g., Le Louvre in Paris and El Prado in Madrid - Chris graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and M.I.T. My donation honors America's priceless heroes. Alcaraz carved two for my 'Spain' pinturas. I'm here because of UDT-14 (SEALs)."
Carroll donated his artworks in memory of his sister
through Texas hospital volunteers to their hospitalized patients:
Parkland, Baylor, Children's Dallas, Cokk Children's Fort Worth, ...
Dallas Theological Seminary, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church,
Dallas Baptist University, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Red River and Gulf Coast Chapters, Four-star Leadership, Plano International Preschool,
The Adoption Exchange, Minuteman Disaster Response, ManeGait, etc.
["My first book was named, 'Ode to Joy,' for Beethoven's Symphony No. 9."
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan sent Carroll a handwritten letter
declining because her husband was too ill to pen the foreword. President Reagan had already agreed to write the Foreword.]
The Dallas Times Herald wrote about Alcaraz when he visited Dallas, Texas in the 1970's as it was very rare for Alcaraz to leave Spain, except when he traveled internationally to put on two-man art exhibits with Picasso.
Nevertheless, it takes money to continue to do what I do.
The Burgoons are the Burguns from Burgundy, France, and were until our cordwainer patriarch, Jean Jacques Burgun, anglicized our family name (in 1740) while aboard the Palatinate tall ship Lydia sailing to Baltimore, MD in the Colonies. (P. 91, Ellis Island, NY Harbor records.) Burgoon's were of the pugilistic Burgundiōnes who kicked butt all over Europe starting in ca. 249 AD after they returned to the mainland from Burgundarholmr Island, Denmark. The Kingdom of the Burgundians became a renown part of France --- Burgundy, France; others joined Attila's Hun army, or relocated to Swiss chalets. Carroll's great, great, ... uncle signed with Gen. George Washington's Continental Army that tented on Rebel Hill (Where Carroll lived), and Washington's blood-stained Army, marched past The Overhanging Rock at Gulph Mills for a frigid winter at Valley Forge,
then beat the world's most powerful army. Carroll was named after Freemason Charles Carroll of Carrollton, as were his dad and granddad (His dad was a 3rd degree member of the Pennsylvania Lodge). CCC was JJ Burgoon's next door neighbor in a German community in Carroll County, Maryland. Jean Jacques Burgun was a stylish shoemaker who made, sold, and designed shoes.
JJ was a French shoe dog and an artist!
Carroll was born at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in 1951
and grew up in rural Chester Springs - 28 miles west of Philadelphia, PA.
He wants to paint freshwater scenes and learn to cast a tight loop!
"Help me Make Art Great Again.
Kevin Costner said it best,
"You have to decide if you're going to wilt like a daisy or if you're just going to go forward and live the life that you've been granted."
(Dances with Wolves, Field of Dreams, Yellowstone, The Art of Racing in the Rain, ...)
NICHE: The self-made, heirs, and superstars.
"I was surprised at 6AM on Christmas morning to get a phone call from a PGA Tour Champion's mirthful wife saying at that moment her husband was rearranging their furniture around his surprise gift!" - CARROLL, artist